きょうはすいようびです。おてんきは [cloudy] ぐす。かいものがほしいんですが。
ファキュンクリイナは、そしく私の三ねこに [food] ほしいです。
Today is Wednesday. It is cloudy today. I want to go shopping.
I need a vacuum cleaner, and some food for my three cats.
Bye for now!
Welcome to my Japanese journal, and to my Haiku, which I am translating from English into Japanese (in progress). For my English work see blogs Focus (early poetry and prose), Inner Dark (poetry), Solo (poetry), Stutter (songs), Spiderweb (short stories) and Toybox (plays and screenplays). For work in progress see Throat (songs), and Tiltedworld (artworks and writing). I am updating, so please check back from time to time! All are available on www.josiemccall-[NAME OF BLOG].blogspot.com
Hi, I'm @marina_familia, your twitter follower.
おてんきは [cloudy] ぐす。
You don't have to add お in the front of てんき。てんきは...sounds more natural.If you say おてんき..., it will be much girl-ish.
ファキュンクリイナは、そしく私の三ねこに [food] ほしいです。
→そうじき[vacuum cleaner]と、さんびきのねこのえさがほしいです。
えさ is food for pets or animals.
たべもの is food for human.